I thought, this blog could do with a list of all the websites that I think are genius. We all know that the internet is a big place. There is litterally anything to do with anything on the internet. It's one of them inventions that changed the face of modern technology. It just keeps getting more massive as the days go on. So, I've gone through a selection of some of the best websites I've come across on my adventures. Some of them maybe obvious but obviously, I'll give you a reason why they appear here on this list.
http://www.google.co.uk/ - A nice easy one here. Google is
the internet to a lot of people. In a basic summary, if anyone is unsure of anything, then Google it! They 99% of the time will have the answer. It may not be the right answer but an answer none-the-less! In fact, Pac-Man made a guest appearence on the main page. As with Google's tradition, they like to put up Google Doodles to show an anniversay of something that means something to the people. In my case tonight, it was the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man.
http://www.cracked.com/ - I discovered Cracked around about Summer last year after I was searching for a list of "Silly band names." One of the links I found was to Cracked.com (an American magazine and main rivals to Mad Magazine) and so I naturally followed the link and ended up on the site. And oh my god! I was hooked. I didn't know someone could laugh so much at written work. I just didn't see it possible! Cracked mainly focus on list based humour - where I get the inspiration from for this blog actually - and a different angle on society and life. And it's not all. They have regular videos, pictures and photoshop competitions too, that are presented in a similar way. It's just unbelievably hilarious although it is an equired taste, but still...the majority of the people who I've showed it to are now also fans. Oh and please note, I'm not knicking Cracked's format, I'm just presenting it in a style that'll be more relatable to a British audience.
http://www.uncyclopedia.wikia.com/ - Everybody knows Wikipedia. Whether it's to find out the information from a Tv show, information on a person (dead or alive) or just to copy and paste something into your essay, wikipedia has it all. All very good (we'll think about the latter). The Uncyclopedia is owned by the same company but is totally a whole different barrel of salmon! Uncyclopedia is exactly the opposite of Wiki.' It rips everything to shreds with its satirical look on everything. And the best thing is, you can edit it. Like Wiki, it is monitered and they do issue you with advice to be funny and not just stupid, which just goes to show, something as funny as this can be quite professional.
http://www.netdisaster.com/ - I really would have liked to put it on this list because NetDisaster is the business! But since they got cautioned for looking like a phishing site, they were ordered to shut up shot. Back in the days, NetDisaster gave you the control to destroy any website of your choice. Just type in the web address, pick the torture (Spray can, chainsaw, vomit, etc) and watch as it get's trashed. I actually miss it, but they do give you the chance to do it to your own desktop now. All is not lost in the world of NetDisaster!
http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/ - IWOOT made an appearence in my gadget blog last year and even though its an online shop, it's a brilliant online shop. IWOOT specialises in awesome (and they say this themselves) stuff that you really want, but don't necessarily need. The staff on there know how to write about the stuff they test. It's full of humour no matter which gadget it is. They give it a sparkle, even if you think it's not very good, they seem to. The thing is, everything is good on that site. So good, that almost everything needs to be bought. And it's probably this reason why I Want One of Those is on here and Amazon isn't.
http://www.snopes.com/ - Snopes is a website that specialises in Urban legends and folklore from around the planet. If there's a rumour that seems too unrealistic to be true, Snope go and find out if it's true or not. And to be honest, it's all actually very surprising how much of it turns out to be true. And it's got all the classics like lore relating to Coca-cola, Elvis and James Dean's Porsche Spyder that went on a murderous rampage, long after Dean's tragic death. Some of the things that appear on there really do make you think twice before venturing out your own door but the majority of times what you think may be real, is actually a load of nonesense. A bit like QI. But if it's true, then it's true, but that can be a good thing.
http://www.uk.askmen.com/ - Online magazines are the best. Ask Men is full of some very useful information. Info from how to excersise efficiently to cars to celebrities, all with the blokey attitude. There's is actually quite a lot packed onto this website but it looks smart and it is smart. Not all of the information is reliable but as something to read and to expand 0n, this does the job very well. And then you've got the little bit's like viewers surveys, jokes, pictures and all stuff like that. It makes it very compulsive.
http://www.moviemistakes.com/ - You get some nerds who purposely watch a film and look for mistakes. So rather than having one as a friend, have this handy site to find the bits you missed that you weren't supposed to see. It's amazing what some films get away with. It's probably a matter of "oh, we'll leave it in anyway" in the editing room. They don't just do the mistakes either. There's lists of trivia, quotes and corrections that the nerds get wrong. A little like IMDB but more in touch with the people.
http://www.imcdb.org/ and
http://www.igcd.net/ - are very similar websites. Following from the Internet Movie Database way of things, the Internet Movie Car Database and the Internet Game Car Database are for car fans respectively. I know not everyone is a fan of cars but these are actually very good, especially to see what's what in films or games. The IMCDB shows any car that has appeared in any film or TV show. The same with the IGCD but with video games (it's very good for looking at what cars the fictional vehicles in Grand Theft Auto should look like). They both show you what your not looking for, probably, when comes to either of them but they're still good to look over.