It's hit and miss. But mostly miss.
Click here to read week one
Click here to read week two
Click here to read week three
Click here to read, yep you guessed it, week four
Some fact, these scientists...

...have said that horoscopes and astrology is actually a something that is known in the science business as a pseudo-science. This means that there is not enough fact to back up the argument and so to class it as a science, it has to have the prefix 'pseudo-' which means something that isn't true; something it's not. Science is of course the study to find answers. So it's actually saying "we have some answers but there's a high chance of them being false."
As far as I'm concerned it is a load of hogwash. The majority of the time, it was reused hash. Like the photography stuff! It was mentioned at least twice throughout the month. Go back and see for yourself.
There was some accuracy with what I was reading but how much of it was pure accuracy? And not what is called 'cold calling' where a thought is given and then we try and build fact around it. This is more logical. There must be many people born under the pisces sign in the world and The Sun is read by Britain, that's surely a fraction less but that still leaves many people. Does what Mystic Meg say apply to all them pisces? And that's only one sign, there's 11 more. Which leads me onto my next point...
Are they supposed to be used as guidance? Do we read them to give us the get up and go and think 'because it's written in the stars, then it's going to happen because the stars know all?' Not true in my case. I made effort to follow the guidance but whatever it said, the opposite happened. I don't if I was doing anything wrong. Maybe I wasn't willing enough to make it happen properly but I at least made an effort and surely that's gotta account for something? Sometimes it was a matter of doing what isn't convenient, like traveling north for example (February 2nd) or meeting in a sports venue (22nd). It doesn't say what type of venue and it doesn't say how far North?
Or do they tell the future? Do they tell you what is going to happen regardless? No. I proved this is not so. They don't.
So are they supposed to change your outlook? Do they give inspiration to do it in gradual time. If this was the case then this would make more sense. But it needs to make sense first. I can't work with it if it's not fully understandable. It'd be like getting flatpack furniture from IKEA and realising that the middle bit of the instructions are there. You vaguely know how to start but you don't know what it'll end up looking like as a finished product. And then of course, it hit me...
It's all down to superstition. Future events being foretold; happening before they actually do. Now, I don't believe in superstitions. That way, they won't hurt you. The only thing that makes you think you'll get bad luck by smashing a mirror or walking under a ladder is your mind. And vice versa for good luck. If you don't believe, it won't do anything to you. And that sort of applies with horoscopes. The stars may say it but you don't have to listen. Just go out and make it happen without Clever Mercury or the Moon and it's amazing sixth sense ability getting in the way. It'll feel like you've actually done it then rather than it being the sole responsibility of a planet. You are you're own person. Don't let the solar system take control of your life because that just sounds silly. The only real benefit I can see me getting out of these star signs is that for me, it gives me the chance to occasionally say "I am a fish." Now whose the silly one?
For my next experiment, I shall attempt to live my life without Horoscopes!
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